Friday, June 19, 2009

The L, The W, and The W Disney Premiere

Just finished watching the Disney premiere... There were technical issues at the end, so part of the ending got cut off and the sound got cut and I had to fill in the lines for my family. I was getting really upset, so my mom told me that "I need a life" (dead serious). I bawled like a baby at the end, and my sisters laughed at me because my make-up was all messed up all over my face. So, that was about it. I wish El could have been here, watching me shout at the television even though I have seen the movie at least a thousand times, crying when Aslan died, holding my breath during the battle scenes, smiling like an idiot at every happy part. I have to admit that The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe is my favorite book/movie, the Pevensies are my favorite Narnian/Earth travelers, and Mr. Tumnus and the Beavers are my favorite Narnian friends. So... that's about it, folks.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thinking Aloud

As of right now, I am thinking aloud. Please excuse the occasional random thought: I had nothing better to post!

I went through two hours of nonstop hard core excercise this morning. Cheerleading is most certainly a sport, and anyone who would beg to differ better show up at my next practice. We kicked the morning off by doing tons of running. Then there were push ups/sprints/crunches. We learned a dance in a few minutes, leaving me confused and looking stupid and slow compared to my teammates. (Not to mention I hardly know anyone... I miss Jordan's humor, Emma's laughter, and my sweet Calli!) Stunting went terribly. I am still pretty new to basing, and I was thrown into a sequence I hardly knew with a flyer that I didn't know very well either. The pressure was killing me, and no matter how hard I tried, I would dip too low and we would crash 50% of the time. Trust me: I have this GIANT bruise on my upper leg to prove it. There were tons and tons of nonstop jumps, leg lifts that sent searing pain up my legs, what will eventually rack up to be dozens of sidelines that were all memorized in seconds, and the occasional break for water. I came home sore and tired, and I could feel the definition of every single one of my muscles. And I still love the sport!

I would have studied for Physical Science, but right as I plopped on the couch Mother Dearest and the family clan arrived with a truckloud of guests which included Katie and Alyssa, which turned into four hours of pure insanity. I thought I had an hour before I had to baby-sit, but I was racing out the door the instant Alyssa had gone home.

Both girls were well behaved, and it was actually just as much fun for me as it was for them. We spent the first hour talking about yearbook, music, the 'questionable existence of Taylor Swift', Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, and yes, Narnia. We filled one another in on our favorite series, and I had a great time. I fed the girls dinner, we watched Myth Busters and researched pictures on the Internet, enjoying a good amount of time laughing at the BBC Narnia films. The girls were happy that their teeth was not as bad as Lucy's. Lastly, we went out into the backyard and they taught me how to use their rope swings. It was actually really fun... I basically got paid to have a great time.

So here I am... I crammed in some studying, my arms are sore, I have to be up at 6:00 tomorrow to spend countless hours helping out at the hospital, and I have no idea whether or not El is coming to my house and whether or not I have more cheerleading Saturday. So there you have it. My mind, poured out onto this webpage, so that you could waste a few more minutes of your life bothering to read about me.

"A lady of Narnia must mind where she puts her head, because she may end up hitting her head a record breaking total of 11 times!"

Sunday, June 14, 2009

One More Thing!

I believed I said something about posting about why I/we/etc. love Narnia so much. Considering I am having the absolute slowest day of my life, I have plenty of time to type. (I walked in slow motion for 10 minutes waiting for my dad. I am practically bored to tears right now.)

There's just something about Narnia. We can explain it as best as we can, but it will never, ever suffice. We love Narnia because it is a place where boys become men, where girls can be warriors, where adventure is inevitable, where animals talk, where magic is possible, where children are leaders. We're addicted to it because it gives us hope, it gives us a sense of purpose, and mainly because it helps us to see the magic in our daily lives. Once we picture our world a little differently, everything is an adventure. Nobody is just 'some kid', everybody is 'someone'. In Narnia, nothing is ordinary. Even the most ill tempered, cruel, dishonest, and overall rude (*cough* Eustace *cough*) can become great. We believe it because we want to, we need to, we basically have to. It exists because we make it so, and because it always has, whether we can see it or not. If you choose it not to be real, it won't, at least not for you. Narnia is a place we can all get to, but only with our consent. You just have to believe.

... Was that deep and fancy enough?

"A lady of Narnia must keep calm when her sister has been banging on the door for what appears to be two minutes straight, if her clock is correct..."

Chapter Four, peeps!

Yes! I have finally finished Chapter Four of "The Gentle"! Sometime soon, when this Narnian fanfic is complete, I will set up something somehow so that you can view the entire thing and not have to search this entire blog for the previous chapters. I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter Four

Susan boarded a train the very next day. But no matter how fast the locomotive steamed ahead, her heart was back in London. In her bag were a few memoirs, things to try and keep her family close. She had held onto Lucy's diary, hoping to read some happier entries. The letter from the Professor to remember the times they had spent together. From her mother she had taken a silver pendant, which currently dangled from her neck. She had saved her father's old pipe, mainly because the scent of it made her think of home. Susan had found a small teddy bear: Edmund's, one from many years ago that he had forgotten around the age of five. She had even saved that hideous shirt of Peter's, and she smiled every time she saw it. The other items in her bag were her own belongings: clothing, a journal, jewelry, books, and other such things. And the train kept plunging ahead.
Susan slept. She ate. She read. But no matter what she did, she couldn't stop feeling so homesick. Grandmother's was only fifteen minutes away by now.
A horrible thought crossed Susan's mind. Her entire family had just died on a train, and here she was, riding one. Her stomach lurched and her head throbbed. The stress was becoming unbearable.
The minutes dragged by until the train finally pulled into the station. Susan pushed past passengers, eager to get off. She was finally standing on the platform, and the train raced off into the distance. She hadn't told her grandmother that she was coming, so no one was waiting for her. She would just have to walk.
Luckily, Grandmother's house was right in town and not very far from the station. Susan gather her things and buttoned up her coat. She stepped off the platform and began her journey.
Buildings towered above her, and people and cars buzzed by. People were shouting, children were laughing, babies were crying. Her heels made a clicking sound on the old cobblestone streets (Grandmother lived in a very historical, old town). In all of the noise, Susan could have sworn she heard music. It was faint and far off, but still very beautiful. It was so familiar... It reminded her of the time that she and her siblings had attended this gorgeous ball in Terebinthia, and there was all this dancing... Lucy got so tired of dancing they had to retire early.
"A stupid game," Susan muttered to herself, and a young boy looked at her like she was crazy. Susan ignored him and hurried along.
She could have sworn she smelled horses, the musky but soothing smell of horses. The memories were beginning to come back. Her horse's name was Rider, and they had spent so much time talking...
"I need sleep," Susan murmured, turning onto Grandmother's street. She saw a small group of boys playing, pretending that they were pirates fighting with swords. Before she knew what she was doing, Susan had gone over to them and was talking with the youngest boy.
"Here," she said, carefully taking the wooden sword from his hands. "Hold it like this. And watch were you point it: you don't want to be caught off guard." The boy held the sword as she instructed and almost immediately had the tip pointed at another boy's chest.
"Gee, thanks Miss!" he said, smiling. Susan smiled and turned to go to Grandmother's house.
What had she just done? How did she know? But Susan was beginning to remember. The first few years in Narnia were coming back to her, foggy and distant, but they were there. "All pretend," she told herself, then rang Grandmother's doorbell. "So I know how to hold a sword? I was playing that game for years, of course I know how to---"
"Susan?" Grandmother gasped as she opened the door. "Oh, dearie..." She pulled Susan into a hug, and they were both crying once again. A strange thought crossed Susan's mind: she was beginning to wish that her childhood games were real.

Horrible. Terrible. I know. But as my parents would say, "I'm only tryin' to git er' done!" I feel guilty, not having posted about it in so long! So there. Until next time...

"A lady of Narnia must not scream when she thinks that the pot of water she is boiling might explode."

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Movie Premiere

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Disney Channel. June 19th. UNINTERUPTED. I didn't breathe for half the commercial. Ohhhhh yes... The commerical was so dang cool, I was swept away by the awesomeness of Narnia that even as a super fan I cannot yet comprehend! Watch it with me, El? If you happen to be in my neck of the woods. ( ;

I Have Returned

I have returned! (Bum bum bum bummm...) With a vengence! (Bum bum bum BUM!) LOL, just kidding! I just haven't posted in a little while because, well, I still have nothing to post about. I'll give you some updates on my life real quick and we can begin.

Okay. We kicked of GNO at El's house with melt in your mouth brownies, discussions concerning the pronunciation of gnomes, cousins, prom, whipped cream, counting the number of Joe's we know/know of (lots...), a short mention of Emma's laugh, the color of Elwen's bedroom, and the occasional outburst of laughter because of an inside joke. Oh! And I sang 'This Is Me' in Spanish ('Lo Que Soy', fyi) while everyone else sang in English while we walked Jenny home. I can tell this is going to be a great GNO filled summer, except for the fact that the GNO curse means that Em is moving. ) : Life can be cruel. Alright... I survived June 6th, the anniversary of D-Day, which was also what I had been calling My D-Day so I was freaked out when I realized that coincidence. The next day was the day of my grad party, which went wonderfully (ignoring the fact that Chrissy and Becca were both hit with the football) and ended with a water fight. And that's about it.

I should probably work on "The Gentle", so I will struggle with the new chapter in order to please you all.

What? Ohhhkayyyy, what's happening? I'm dead serious guys. This is NOT a joke. My Dad put on this See No Evil program so that we would never see bad stuff on the Internet. All that its done is randomly blocked websites. AND IT WON'T LET ME VIEW MY OWN BLOG. I'm not positive where I left off... Uh... Can we, er, work on this at another time? Sorry!

Let's see... Other topics... I need more planning time!!! Stephen's Lucy vs. Susan controversy... nah, too obvious... What is the first thing you would...? No, that's stupid... um, the Narnian Bird of Freedom? Better not go there... Okay. I think I have something.

I want to ask everyone a question and I want them to post their reply. What is, in your opinion, that makes Narnia so dang interesting? Why are we sitting around on our Narnian blogs writing about Narnia and I'm reading books about the books after reading the books? I'll post my reply once I see your answers. (Good thinking on a short notice, am I right? Huh? Huh?)

"A lady of Narnia must be very careful not to bang her head of Elwen's table, because she of all people knows just how painful it is to smash you head on wood. Specifically church pews."

Monday, June 1, 2009

No Need to Say Goodbye

The Call is such an appropriate song right now. I graduate tonight, and I am feeling so sentimental... "See this freckle? I had it when I slid into home base even though the ground was gravel." "See this eyelash? I had it when we fit eight people into a 2ft by 2ft square." "See this hair? I had it when Matt told me I would be hot if I wasn't so ugly." (Those were all 100% true, people. And strangely, I laughed during every event.) Yes... the good ol' days...

How did our Narnian friends do it? I mean, I just have to adjust to a new school, not a new world (or old world, I should say)! Not to mention the people that came and went, the time that they could never get back. "Time only goes one way, time only knows one way, and it don't come back." I'm pretty sure I got that lyric correct. But isn't it the truth? I don't know if C.S. Lewis saw it this way, but if I had been one of the children going to one world and then the next, I would be very emotional.

I will try and be like a Friend of Narnia and be strong, even when the world(s) change around me, when people come and go, when time passes me by. I can't promise I'll succeed, but I'll try.

Mass is at 7:00 tonight for whoever wishes to come. There will be food and a small celebration afterwards in the basement. (*ahem* Elwen!)

"A lady of Narnia must do her best to keep her promises, even if they ruin her entire day and leave her sitting alone on a swing all by herself."