Sunday, March 15, 2009

Something NOT Related to Narnia

I know this is a Narnian blog. But just let me vent for like, 2 paragraphs! Please?

I finally got the New York Yankees baseball cap I wanted. Just one problem: IT IS HUGE. It covers most of my ears and my hair, so that the way my bangs hang out it looks like guy hair. And (according to El, Anna Marie, and Gracia) that makes me look like William Moseley, which is just plain weird. I quote: "Without my hair, I am nothing." Never have truer words been spoken.

A lady of Narnia must try and not throw up when the guys next to her are talking about bodily odor while she's trying to act.


  1. "Oh my gosh, you and Will have, like, the same eye color and complexion..." It could be worse. My friend looks like someone from Star Wars... I forget who... Oh well.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Umm... looking like Will Moseley... how is this a bad thing? ;)


  4. I don't see how its a bad thing, but it is sort of weird. I was at El's house with Anna Marie and Gracia and we were all just sitting in her bedroom when everyone started comparing me to Will. I guess my eyes are the same shade of blue as his... er... yah...

  5. PS - It also doesn't help that in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (the book, obviously), Caspian says he won't marry that one girl and mentions that she has freckles. Then Lucy calls her a poor dear. My nose is dotted with freckles, which certaintly did NOT help to boost my already fairly low self esteem.


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