Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Oh, Brother!

Hello, everyone! We've been having great weather, haven't we? I'm loving the whole 80 degrees out all the time thing! "It's so warm out..." Yah.

Anyways, my post today concerns BROTHERS. Elwen has the misfortune of having Phil. (I'm just kidding, just kidding! I couldn't resist.) Emma says she'd trade Jack in a heartbeat (Tricia for Jack? DEAL!). Gracia and Anna Marie have two, so does Fiona. Lauren has Johnathan. Why do all my friends have brothers!?

I have a brother, but not in the same sense. My brother (he would be older) died before he was even born. My family is pretty sure it was a boy. My parents didn't even tell me until I was ten. If the baby had been a boy, his name would have been Christian.

I've asked a lot of my friends about brothers, trying to get a good sense of what having one is like. I asked Gracia on G-mail chatting once, and she said 'good and bad'. (PS- You have everything I don't have! Older brother, older sister, younger brother: I am jealous!) According to Emma, having brothers is a nightmare. Margaret can't stand having Nick as a brother, but I think she said that because he and Johnathan were going on about how she and Lauren couldn't date without they're approval.

You know how in movies, there will be a girl who's never met her father and spends forever trying to figure out what having a daddy is like? It's sort of like that for me. I really want to know what having a brother is like. I'm close with lots of guys, but none of them are really blood relations. When my friends can't really explain 'brotherhood' to me, I go to books. That's where Narnia comes in. I thought that it would be perfect if I was right in the middle of the Pevensie family. I could find out what having an older brother was like, in addition to finding out what an older sister and younger brother was like.

I know that I'll never have the brother I've always wished for, and I'm not sure whether that's a good or bad thing. I still have three younger sisters, and I'm not sure if that is a good or bad thing either. For now, I think I'm going to remain content with borrowing my friends' families. That way, I have TONS of brothers! (Jack!!! *sigh* I love that kid...)

"A lady of Narnia must remember to get around to her Confirmation thank you notes. I'll do them soon... I hope..."

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

This message is only for Elwen, Gracia, and Anna Marie, but...


Alright, that's all. Uh... "A lady of Narnia must contain her excitement when she's finished an entire fanfic novel (#2) and has had an awesome voice lesson! Huzzah!" (Huzzah! An adventure! Its about time... LOL) And if you don't know what TEA stands for GOOD, you're not supposed to. (Except for Viola. I'd tell you but... this IS the Internet.)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

No Title?

I figured I'd update you and give you some fanfic to keep everyone satisfied. Alright, I'm getting right to business.

1) Confirmation was awesome! I had the best seat in the house, right next to 'Cecilia Rose' (Elwen), Katie, ME, Lauren, and Robert (with Caleb right behind us, laughing hysterically). I am officially CECILIA! As HoHo and I would say, "Bask in the glow..."

2) Emma is moving. I am going to figure this is public info because she told everyone at school. Phil didn't break it to me lightly, either... in fact, he was smiling... One of my best friends is moving to stupid Montana and he was SMILING! Whatever will become of IASK? (International Appeal of Skandar Keynes) We have until August. Life is cruel.

3) I'm doing my best to recruit some youth group members for Elwen's mom, and I think I've roped in a few kids for the dinner. I will show up as much as possible, because youth group can never be boring as long as Elwen is at my side!

Now, what you've all been waiting for... CHAPTER 3!!!!!!! It may be a little rough, but here goes...

Chapter Three

Disclaimer: I do not own this disclaimer (Vi), or Narnia (C.S. Lewis), but only Susan's pals. Not much, but its something. Oh! And Grandmother!

Susan had skipped dinner an gone right to bed. The next morning felt almost as terribly empty as the first, except that now reality had sunk in. To try and fill up the silence, Susan talked to herself instead of thinking.

"Perhaps I should go to Grandmother's..." Susan admitted. "But what of the house?" She sighed. "I guess I'll have to go through everyone's things and sort them out." Susan looked around. "Where to begin?" She decided upon her parents' room, because she figured it would be the easiest place to start.

The bed was made and the room was neat and tidy. "At least I don't have to clean up," Susan mumbled, although she felt a pain shoot through her heart. "Let's go through the dresser, shall we?" She walked over to the wooden dresser and lightly touched one of the drawer handles, as if it might be on fire. Then she pulled the first drawer open. Nothing but clothes. The second drawer was similar, as was the third. There was a fourth drawer, but what Susan found inside was not like the other three drawers. Instead of clothing, she found pictures and mementos and other treasures. In awe, Susan pulled the drawer out of the dresser and sat on the floor to examine what she'd found.

"Oh!" Susan cried, holding up an old photograph. It was her Mother and Father, probably from when they were dating. "Mother was beautiful," Susan muttered, and set the picture down. She sifted through tons of similar pictures, ones of her young Mother with friends on the beach and her handsome Father outdoors. Once she had gone through the ones of her parents, she found photographs of her and her siblings as children. The dates on the back told Susan of everyone's age. She found Lucy as a two year old, smiling up at the camera. Five year old Edmund proudly standing in front of a tree house. Peter blowing out the candles of a cake with four candles. Baby pictures of Susan when she was only a year old. Then ones of Lucy's first day of school, and Edmund and Peter sitting with Father, Susan playing in the dirt, and all types of memories Susan had long forgotten. When she was done with the pictures, Susan wiped some tears from her eyes and placed them back in the drawer, making a mental note to come back for them. "To think I had forgotten all those times," she murmured, and then caught herself.

"Times that we played pretend and games," Susan added. "As children." When she was satisfied with her self correction, Susan decided it was time to go through Edmund's (and what was once also Peter's) room. Opening the door, she found that the boys had kept the room nice and clean. She wondered what they would have said if she had found them snooping. Then that familiar pang in her heart returned, so Susan decided it was better to start sorting through the boys' things.

Unlike her parents' room, Susan did not photographs. However, she came across objects that brought memories back all the same. "I forgot about this," she said softly, holding up an object that was left on Edmund's desk. A smile crept across her face, remembering a sort of game that she and Ed used to play with it. She set it back down, and opened some drawers. "Not this shirt!" she laughed, holding up a hideous button up shirt that Mother had insisted Peter wore to Grandmother's. Finally, Susan came across a letter that was left lying about. She opened it up and read it.

Dear Edmund and Lucy,
I have already written to your brother Peter, and now I am writing to you. I fear that there are some serious matters to discuss, and it would be best if you came out to visit me in the country. There is danger: not of this world, but of another. I don't know if you can persuade Susan to come, but she had become rather stingy on the matter.

Susan made a face. She was not 'stingy'.

No matter. Please come to my house for dinner next week, Sunday evening, around 7:00. I'll pay for the tickets, and please do try and convince your sister to accompany you. If you cannot come, contact me as soon as you both can.
Sincerely yours,
Professor Kirke
"The poor old dear," Susan said with a sigh. "He was so sweet, the old man, but he could be so... unrealistic. I suppose he was lonely." Susan folded up the letter and set it on the desk, and tried to dismiss the dinner as just a way for the dear Professor to get over his lonliness. "I suppose that's it. I should be getting to Lucy and I's room," Susan said. Although she was quite familiar with her own room, she had something of Lucy's that she wanted to see.
Susan entered the bedroom and cautiously approached Lucy's bed. "Lu wouldn't mind," Susan said aloud. "After all, she's... gone." Susan came closer and closer to the bed. "I mean, why does it matter?" Susan bent over and looked under the bed. "Got it!" Susan pulled out a worn notebook and opened the book to the front page.
"She won't mind," Susan said again. Susan skipped through the beginning, looking for more recent dates. She finally started reading at an entry a few weeks before her siblings' departure.
"Hmmm..." Susan muttered, scanning the pages. "Ms. Banks told us to... Mother and Father are leaving soon... What? So she thinks I'm stingy too!... I love Richard? Who's he?..." Susan finished the entry and went to the next.
Dear Diary,
The Professor has invited Edmund and I for dinner at his home. He also invited Susan, but she refuses to come along. I don't know why she's being so stubborn. Is remembering Narnia that painful for her? I guess it isn't painful, she just feels silly. Either way, it just won't be the same without her there. Narnia must be in great danger for us to be invited so last minute, and I only wish that Queen Susan the Gentle of Narnia would just get over her ego and come along!
Susan slammed the book shut, preferring to remember something else about Lucy. That was it. She couldn't stay alone in this house any longer. She was going to move into her Grandmother's house, at least until she felt a little bit better.
Terrible... I know. Anyways... "A lady of Narnia must try and remain calm when her sister has as voice that could shatter glass and she's getting quite a headache."

Friday, April 17, 2009

A Few Words

A few words. A lot of words. What's the difference? Elwen has left me in suspense with 'Yellow Rose' (which is the symbol of friendship, apparently), but I guess I deserve it for leaving such gaps in between my posts regarding 'The Gentle'. I promise: I am working on it. I have some bugs to work out, but the basic story line is in place. I think. Well...

OK, just going to mention a few things. 1) I have to pick my DHS classes on Weds!!! Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh... What if El and I don't have any classes together? What if Lauren and I don't have any classes together? What if everyone hates me? Ahhh! 2) Confirmation tomorrow! Huzzah! My Confirmation name is Cecilia, patroness of music, just in case you were curious. 3) Field trip to Inner Harbor either Thurs or Fri, I'm not sure. Wayyyyy excited! Alright, back to Narnia.

You know what drives me nuts? 'Twilight'. I haven't read the books or seen the movie, and I'm not making a judgement on it. It isn't the giant surge of T-shirts, folders, notebooks, and pencil cases (yes, they make pencil cases). Its the fact that there isn't any such novelty for Narnia! Seriously! I think I should start my own clothing line, with a Spanish/English/French/Anna-speak title... Here are some ideas.
1. Foshizzle la Narnia (Anna slang)
2. La Ropa de Narnia (Too much Spanish?)
3. Ropa a la Narnia (Spanish and French!)
I don't know, that's just the thought that ran through my head when I spotted about 5 or 6 Twilight tees today at school. I know, my post isn't very interesting. But I promised Elwen I would post!!!

Ummmmm... peace out?

"A lady of Narnia must remember NOT to laugh uncontrolably at Confirmation, even if she has the BEST ROW EVER (Elwen-Katie-ME-Lauren-Robert) and she wants desperately to chat her head off."

Monday, April 13, 2009

Just Things

I am just going to write about a bunch of stuff, so (if I may quote Narnia yet again): "BRACE YOURSELVES!" *sigh* I do that WAY too often.

OK, I am back from Philly! It was torture! I love the city, I hate the Eagles! I am a die hard Steelers fans, but I kept my mouth shut in fear of the crazy insane fans. Then I would really be a DIE HARD fan! Hehehehe... My mom lost her voice today ("Mum's the word!" I am tooooooo funny...), my new nickname is 'Gothica' (MY COAT IS NOT GOTHIC. I AM THE PEPPIEST PERSON ON THE ENTIRE CHEERLEADING SQUAD. DEAL WITH IT.), and I am very pleased with my Narnia/art themed Easter basket.

Chapter 3 of 'The Gentle' is underway, I promise! I somehow manage to find the time to post and e-mail almost every day, and yet this story takes forever! (Elwen: TEA is almost done! "Huzzah! An adventure!") Now, here are some more Narnian things that have been on my mind.

THOUGHT #1 - My Favorite Narnian Characters
I was knitting and thinking for 4 hours on the car ride home about Narnia. I was just pondering who my favorite characters were, and I think I've decided.
1- Puddleglum! I just love that guy... I think the reason I like him is he ends up being so loyal to Narnia, even though he doesn't seem like the most cheerful guy on the face of the planet. Who doesn't love that guy!?
2- Good ol' Reep. He's just so amazingly awesome! Definitely a lot braver than me. Plus, who doesn't love the whole 'honor' thing??? Also, he's the only mouse I think I wouldn't be scared of.
3- Peter Pevensie. I know what El is thinking: STOP, PLEASE! Yes, Will is very cute, but that isn't why Peter is my favorite. I am obsessively jealous of Susan, Edmund, and Lucy because they have the one thing I don't have and want most of all: an older brother. I am very, very, very jealous of Gracia, a.k.a. Georgie-who-is-not-Georgie, because she has every single thing I don't have, and that's an older brother, an older sister, and a younger brother. Stick me in between Ed and Lu and I've got it made! Doesn't it sound lovely? Anna Pevensie... SHUT UP ELWEN. I CAN READ YOUR MIND, REMEMBER!!!

THOUGHT #2 - Voyage of the Dawn Treader
I can't take it any more! JUST COME OUT ALREADY!

THOUGHT #3 - Bruce Springsteen
My sister and I are having a Brucediction. Perhaps Vi can help me stop... His music is just so amazing, I must have listened to it for at least two or three hours total over Easter break.

I think I'll let you all go now. "A lady of Narnia must try and remain calm when she takes her cousins' dog on a walk and finds out nobody knows how to clean up after it."

Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Happy Easter Day!"

I'm a little bit high on chocolate right now (hehehehe), but I just wanted to wish everyone a fantabulous Easter and remind you that... JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN! ALLELUIA! I definitely feel Lucy and Susan's joy right now! I felt sort of like smiling like an idiot at church last night I was so deliriously happy, but the oppurtunity for being insane came at the after party where El, Phil, Fiona, Sean (CM! BUM BUM BUM BUM!) , the DLF (aka Chris) and I all enjoyed some cookies. The only sad part of the evening was the fact that our fuzzy little caterpillar is with us no more... Elwen and I held a service before we were forced to part. We even had the same dress! ("Attack of the clones!" What was it, 5 handshakes?) The joy continued this morning, when I woke up to find that my sisters were all huddled together waiting for my parents to return from a walk so we could search for our Easter Bunny baskets. My basket rocked! I did get 2 Narnian books, one of which told me what Turkish Delight is made of (why didn't Ed at least get some chocolate? I would probably trade in my sisters for chocolate...). I got Sleep-over Madlibs, and I can totally see where this is going with El and Em ("Hello and welcome to the Skandar Keyne's pizzeria." "I'm going to be throwing a Narnian party, and I..." You catch my drift.). Let's see... socks, chocolate, art supplies, fashion designer thingy and more chocolate. Yup, that was it.

HE IS RISEN! Amen! Have a happy Easter, everyone!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday. The computer is the only technology I am allowing myself to use today, and I have had to part with my beloved music collection (*sniff*) temporarily. I have been on a cross walk, gone to Stations, and plan on going to a thing-that-is-sort-of-like-Mass-but-isn't where I shall be singing (ohhhhh boy). I just wanted to make a short post.

I am sure that anyone reading this has seen or read 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe'. If you haven't, WHY ARE YOU HERE!? Are you stalking me? I know people like that. I also know people who wear a little too much make-up, but that's off topic. Most people tend to get a little teary eyed while Aslan is being killed, right? (Unless, of course, you are Jordan and think that it's the best part of the entire movie and make the rest of us skip ten scenes just to watch him die!!! I didn't even get to see Peter push Ed over... My favorite part... Not fair, not fair at all.) I was just thinking about that scene today and was wondering, why do I get so emotional while I watch that movie, but not when I'm here in church? Maybe I feel a little guilty about the subject: I am more fascinated with fantasy than reality. I don't really have a good explanation as to why, but it might just be because there is something about an alternate reality that never ceases to amaze me. What I have found is this: if we could just take a look at Aslan's suffering and realize that REALLY DID HAPPEN, that not only Edmund Pevensie is saved but WE ALL ARE, and that He didn't just defeat the White Witch's army but DEATH ITSELF, it all comes into proportion.

... I know, that was very serious and very deep, but I felt that I just had to write it. Here are some more pleasant things I have to tell you... I would also like to tell you, yet again, to go to Viola's blog because she has lots of VDT stuff and she is getting me VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY pumped! I want to tell Elwen that I have the most amazing plan for TEA and I think I have the plot for our next novel basically worked out. I shan't be revealing anything other than that because, well, because. Just in case. I can't wait to hear from all of you and I'm sorry that I write so much. Lastly...

"A lady of Narnia should not eat her lunch early on a day of fast, or else she may just starve to death."

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Gentle, Chapter Two

I have quick typed up Chapter Two. I have been on the computer a lot lately, mainly because I am taking care of a lot of stuff before Easter break. I hope you enjoy the second chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything in here, except for Susan's chums. I also do not own this disclaimer, as I have stolen it from Viola who hopefully won't mind.

Susan returned home later that evening. Her friends had been very sympathetic: they had listened to her crying, listened to her stories, listened to her complaints, her regrets, her problems. Susan left out some of the details, mainly the ones concerning Narnia. She didn't want to feel like a fool on top of being grief stricken. The house was noticably empty. Susan recalled the instructions she had received from Margie's mother before she left.
"Your grandmother offered to let you stay with her."
"But Grandmother lives out in the country. I would have to quit school!"
"Your other option is to stay in the house on your own."
"I would have you stay with us, Susan, honestly, but... There's something... Perahps Margie will explain it all to you on a different occasion."
"Please excuse my ignorance, but I think I would rather get it over with now."
"Our family is moving this summer. Once Margie graduates, she's received a wonderful job offer in America. She plans on leaving this summer as well."
"Margie was going to tell you once it came closer to graduation, but..."
"That's really quite alright. I should be going."
"Would you like the girls and I to go with you?"
"I'd prefer to be alone for now, thank you." Susan had left right then and there, leaving her friends without a 'good-bye'.
The house was so empty and quiet. Susan looked around the living room. "My house," she said, hoping that the new responsibility would make her feel a bit better. Instead, she felt worse. Susan paced, talking to herself.
"What about money? How am I supposed to pay for food? Good thing I don't have to pay for the tuition. I never thought I'd be so grateful for school to be over. What about everyone's things? Do I... do I... give them away?" Susan was suddenly overtaken by anger. She crossed her arms and flopped into her father's old armchair.
"Narnia! Who ever heard of such a thing? Peter's a full grown man, he should have talked Ed and Lu out of it a long time ago. And dragging poor Eustace and Jill into their game." Susan stood up suddenly, clenching her fists. "Darn it all! They were all such children anyways. Lucy was always immature. She started the game anyways, and just wouldn't let things go. Why did the Professor play along? He must have thought he was doing a good deed. He always was saying stupid things about logic: why didn't he use it!"
Susan felt even more furious now. She grabbed a pillow and threw it at the wall to prevent herself from breaking something valuable. "What were they thinking!? Mum and Dad didn't need to leave anyways. They would be just fine right here. But they have to do everything, take every trip." Susan's face was growing redder and redder by the second. "What I don't understand is why they all actually paid to go on such a stupid, pointless trip!" She was back to Narnia again. "Why would they actually waste their time? It's Lucy's fault. She probably convinced them all that one good game would convince their sister Susan to play. It was probably Edmund's fault too, the little brat. Everyone thought he had matured so nicely, was growing up. I'll bet he was playing a prank on me, some big prank where everyone was really just going on vacation." Susan returned to the armchair again. "No, no. It had to be Peter. He's supposed to be an adult. He's gone to school, and he of all people should know that there aren't any other worlds. And Eustace! Playing along, probably to bother me. But dragging in Jill? She was probably in on the whole joke too, and the Professor and Aunt Polly were stupid enough to let themselves in on this whole plot."
Susan jumped up, screaming at no one in particular. "Oh, just blame them all and all those made up places and made up people and made up animals! There is no such thing as witches or sea monsters, and certaintly not fauns. I don't know what Eustace was talking about, a swampsquirm was it? No, a marshwiggle. It doesn't get more childish than that. There are no talking bears, no talking mice, no talking leapords, and no talking horses. Centaurs and nymphs are all mythology. Remember, Peter? You learned about that, didn't you! You can't have more than one King and one Queen: just trying to fit us all in the game. You can't have a hundred years of winter, you can't turn people to stone, and animals can't talk. And most importantly, there is no such thing, NO SUCH THING, as Aslan!"
Susan suddenly felt a shiver race down her spine and she collapsed in the armchair. She hadn't realized that she was sweating and that her dark hair was wet and sticking to her face. Her mouth was dry, her stomach hurt. Her eyes were dry as well, and she had no more tears. The house felt emptier than ever.

I hate to ruin the suspense after Susan's little breakdown, but I must conclude with a single sentence.

"A lady of Narnia must control her anger when she really wants to take someone and turn them into a quivering puddle of people pulp."

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Call... Please?

It is late at night. I posted yesterday. Why am I posting again? One word. STRESS. I don't mean to treat this blog like a giant squeaky ball that I squeeze when I freak out, but Narnia and my Narnian friends just make me feel so much better. I do tend to vent on this blog, and I apologize if it annoys you. If it does, just say the word and I will 'shut up' (too many inside jokes in those two words to fit in a novel). Allow me to ramble on for a little while. I promise: I will do my best to keep things relevant to Narnia.

Geometry class stinks. My teacher is somewhat frightening, and she sort of kind of yelled really loud at two boys today. I jumped in my seat. Literally. Perhaps I was taken by surprise. Perhaps I was staring out the window at the telephone pole thinking about Narnia. Perhaps I was brainstorming fanfic ideas, and hoping that a certain Princess Elwen of Narnia would send me the next TEA chapter. Perhaps I was wishing desperately that a certain person who will remain nameless would just go away and leave me alone for once, and that perhaps a portal to Narnia would suddenly open up and I would be free. Perhaps I was hoping that the release of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader would come sooner, even though it seems like I shall be waiting for an eternity. And then there's Girl Scouts. I didn't hear half of what anyone said. I didn't even pay attention to The Moose Game. I was too busy staring at the floor and thinking about Narnia. Here are some of the thoughts that ran through my head:
"Do you think Aslan might just call me?"
"I still hate my evil man-eating wardrobe. Why can't I have a nice, magical wardrobe?"
"These chips are really bad for me. I wish I was eating ham, I mean, roast beef in Cair Paravel."
(as I look at my reflection in the mirror behind me) "Do you think Narnians actually like skin that may be even paler than Snow White's?"
"Does Caspian really hate freckles?"
"Why did I wear this T-shirt? Gosh, I wish I was wearing a medieval dress right now."
"Where is a knight in shining armor when you need one?"
"I do not like that word. I highly doubt that Kings and Queens use that word. Call me a baby, but I still don't think a lady of Narnia would use that word."

So as I sit here alone at 10:00 at night, all of these thoughts rushing through my head, wishing desperately for what seems impossible ("Impossible things are happening every day!" You all may have been bored during that musical, but I loved it!). Maybe, just maybe, I will receive the call someday.

Lastly: "A lady of Narnia must not eat too many corn chips, because they are very, very, very bad for you no matter how amazing they taste when you've only had two bites of your dinner."

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Latest

Good day! I am having a terrible morning if I do say so myself. My sisters have stolen my conditioner (however will I mantain my mane?), there is an entire box of chocolate that I can't eat (stupid hazlenut allergy), and I have a huge Geometry test today which I plan on failing. However, on the bright side of things, if you go back to my post 'Happy Narnia Day', the one which regards the first chapter of "The Gentle", you will find that I have updated it to better fit in with 'The Last Battle'. My writing skills aren't the best in the world, but I'm afraid that they'll have to do. Now, where was I?

Of course! My terrible morning! On the brighter side of things, I had a lovely day yesterday. I saw Elwen at church and later found out that I had walked all the way to the car with my hymm book while we were talking. As you can see, I am not the brightest person around. I am also not the tallest. My younger sister HoHo is still taller than me, even in my 1 (maybe 1 1/2) inch heels. (She just can't get over the fact that Joe didn't believe me when I told him she was my younger sister. My whole family is pretty tall, excluding me.) I can't stop laughing at my mother's old yearbook, for as much as I love her, her boyfriend Ed was a sap. (hehehe) Not to mention the person who mistook my mother's yearbook for another. "Peter: to all that was and could have been. I love you. Love, H" El was interested by the Ed/Peter coincidence, but Ed's real name is Eddie, which sort of ruined it.

Other than that, my life is just average. I am so excited to be in school with Elwen and all her very cool and very awesome friends next year, but I am also getting very sentimental about the school I am in now. My personal yearbook page looks lovely, and the ever increasing Skandar fangirl club (please add Sara T. to the list) is doing just fine. I shall stop wasting your time now with one final sentence.

"A lady of Narnia must try and not give her grandmother a heart attack when she has an allergic reaction to a piece of fried shrimp in Perkins."

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Whatever Is Up?

Greetings, faithful readers of 'Beyond the Wardrobe'! I have been away for so long... Or not. Maybe I've just been REALLY, REALLY busy with the play, cheerleading, and a bunch of other stuff. It's not like anyone is around to notice. Considering almost every single one of my friends is in either track, field, or field hockey while I sit around, dreaming of Narnia, reading, and taking leisurely walks. I'm not a cotton-headed ninnymuggins, I'm just... special.

I know, I know, I have yet to fix the first chapter of 'The Gentle'. Give me some time, please! I am working on two fanfics all at once, while trying to handle my busy social life. OK, so my social life isn't so great yet. But I got four e-mails from El, I have to go to yearbook, cheerleading try-outs are coming up soon, I'm trying to convince my parents to let me have a Facebook, and even Joe bothered to e-mail me! So HAH! Anyhow, where was I? Oh yes, The Gentle. I am working on it and will post my revised chapter ASAP.

On another note... Today is April Fool's day, and I find that I am unprepared. What evil pranks await me? I cannot tell. But my insticts tell me that today, I should be on the lookout. You never know what might happen when you're in my class.

Well, that's all for now. So much to say but so little time to say it in. (For truly, who wants to talk with a Worfle? They all mistake me for an ogre. Except for one near-sighted woman who thought I was the Tidy Bowl Man. A lonely life indeed... Not an exact quote, but fairly close.) I see the winner of the post asking who you would visit during the Golden Age would be the Kings and Queens (hmm, Elwen, I wonder why?). I cannot recall what I voted for... No matter. Alright, comment away!!!

And lastly: "A lady of Narnia must never use the word 'zinger', or else she will sound like a total nerd."