Friday, April 17, 2009

A Few Words

A few words. A lot of words. What's the difference? Elwen has left me in suspense with 'Yellow Rose' (which is the symbol of friendship, apparently), but I guess I deserve it for leaving such gaps in between my posts regarding 'The Gentle'. I promise: I am working on it. I have some bugs to work out, but the basic story line is in place. I think. Well...

OK, just going to mention a few things. 1) I have to pick my DHS classes on Weds!!! Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh... What if El and I don't have any classes together? What if Lauren and I don't have any classes together? What if everyone hates me? Ahhh! 2) Confirmation tomorrow! Huzzah! My Confirmation name is Cecilia, patroness of music, just in case you were curious. 3) Field trip to Inner Harbor either Thurs or Fri, I'm not sure. Wayyyyy excited! Alright, back to Narnia.

You know what drives me nuts? 'Twilight'. I haven't read the books or seen the movie, and I'm not making a judgement on it. It isn't the giant surge of T-shirts, folders, notebooks, and pencil cases (yes, they make pencil cases). Its the fact that there isn't any such novelty for Narnia! Seriously! I think I should start my own clothing line, with a Spanish/English/French/Anna-speak title... Here are some ideas.
1. Foshizzle la Narnia (Anna slang)
2. La Ropa de Narnia (Too much Spanish?)
3. Ropa a la Narnia (Spanish and French!)
I don't know, that's just the thought that ran through my head when I spotted about 5 or 6 Twilight tees today at school. I know, my post isn't very interesting. But I promised Elwen I would post!!!

Ummmmm... peace out?

"A lady of Narnia must remember NOT to laugh uncontrolably at Confirmation, even if she has the BEST ROW EVER (Elwen-Katie-ME-Lauren-Robert) and she wants desperately to chat her head off."

1 comment:

  1. I'm soo sorry I haven't posted. I'm seriously just reaaaaaly busy. I emailed uuuuuu!!!!


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