Thursday, July 9, 2009

Return of the Blogger

Sorry I've been gone for so long! I've been crazy busy, especially with CHEER CAMP!!! My new team is awesome. I have to admit that I can be a bit of an upperclassmen kiss-up, but I have to admit, I think I sort of like them better than some of the girls in my grade. NOT YOU, EL! I'll fill you in later. There are some things we must discuss dear. ( ; I only wish you could have seen our DHS Wonder Woman hair! It was amazing! We also had Michael Jackson Day. That was cool. We danced to 'Thriller' and 'Beat It' and stuff. Let's see, unrelated to Narnian things I want to tell my friends... My family (not me, though) spent the past four days at my cousins' house and apparently had a ball. We also found out that my mother may possibly maybe ever so slighly considering a dog!!! HoHo was like, "We were talking about dog names and we wanted to name them after a famous person. We were like, Swift? No. Joel? No. (Kinda cute, actually.) Lovato? No. Then we were like, COSTELLO!" Then I said, "I WAS JUST THINKING THAT A FEW DAYS AGO!" Then we figured out then when I marry Nick Jonas, our dogs will be Elvis and Costello!!! YAY!

Back to Narnia... HAPPY 14TH, GEORGIE HENLEY! Gosh, we love you! ("Big fan, big fan.") I am only a few days younger than you, girl! This is so cool! Good luck with VDT and another amazing year.

Well, uh, the Narnian front is kinda slow for me right now... Or at least I think it is... I have been computer-less for the past few days. You wouldn't believe camp: we were working out non-stop. I mean NON-STOP. El, next time your bro makes fun of cheerleaders, I am going to beat him to a pulp. I can hardly move right now. Unfortunately, another team got what should have been our Top Banana ("We didn't even get Gatorade!" - Cara) but things went well. Well, I have to catch up on things so...

"A lady of Narnia must try and not punch a girl's lights out when the girl is hollering at her to shut the lights off."


  1. CARA??????


    Should I be worried that you're kissing up to upperclasswoman WARLOCKETTES?????? *Heeeheee I made up a new word...*

    Hahaha jkjkjkjk. You would NEVER EVER do that to me. Verrry veeerrryy cute dog name. Aren't you...*dare I say the word...* allergic????

    Ah well...medications to the rescue?

    I heard about the "lights off" thingy thanks to dear lovely Hoho (not in detail, just the basics...).

    YOU ARE COMING TO THE WERTMANS' POOL PARTY TOMORROW! I MEAN IT! my e-mail. That explains it unless you already read it. I really miss you.

    NO ONE SHOWED UP AT GNO ON MONDAY THANKS TO YOU, GIRLIE!!!!!! haha...prob'ly not your fault. I'm sorry.
    Shall we *call it Pax*????

    Love you!!!

  2. P.S. That was a reeeeaaallly loooooong comment, but...
    *It must be done!*

  3. Hypoallergenic dog, girlie. Hypoallergenic. ( : Yahhhhh... I'm sorry that I couldn't come. And duh it was my fault, GNO is no fun without me! hehehe, it would probably be MORE fun without me! Wait: 'lights off'? 'Warlocketts'? You need to explain to me at the party, girl.

  4. I just want you to know that I am so tired and bored right now that I have been taking stupid quizes for the past four hours or so. Eating Animal Crackers, take a quiz... So my hair means I'm relaxed? I didn't need a quiz to tell me I was a nerd. I also didn't need a quiz to tell me Nick and I were destined to be together. Or to tell me that Niley is stupid.

  5. don't get it. Cara.


    The lighty thing concerns cheer camp, dear...

  6. I finally got it at like 1:00 AM! I'm a bit of an idiot, mind you. Cara a senior, NOT our evil warlockett (slash mother... *shivers* EVIL NON-MAGICAL SON!!!). And, yes, the lighty thing made me VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY angry. Grrrrrrrr...

  7. Oh. And unfortunately, uh, well... I can't come to GNO this Monday. It stinks, doesn't it??? I have to leave for my grandparents'! I've been begging to stay all week! Double grrrrr...

  8. I'll forgive you, dearest! Hahaha...our "first fight" was pretty amazing...the jealousy! The passion! hahahaaaaaaa.....I love you!!!

  9. Yes, yes, our 'intense battle' over the true nature of kittens. Wowwwww... I'm going to miss you soooooooooooo much when I'm in Horsham and you're in Hershey! But I will see you on my birthday!!! SPREAD THE WORD! lol

  10. You know how everyone unintentionally insults me all the time? Well, my dad and I were watching this video with pictures of brides dancing with their dads and when he saw this pic of a really old dude he was like, "That's gonna be me." My entire family says things wrong...

  11. Oh, dear...sorry to hear that *snicker snicker cackle...gasp for air...*
    I've taken up using *drumroll!*
    *cheers and more*
    As you can see, I describe my actions, whether melo dramatic or not, as I relay my comment etc...How fun! Try it sometime dear. I love you!
    *Hugs visciously and crys because we're far apart*
    I do hope you come back soon, dearest darlingest Lady! Things are quiet here on the homefront...
    *lone cricket chirps*
    So I need all your racket and row to survive dear!!!! *"She tried/to survive...."*
    I think I only ever unintentionally insulted you once or twice...
    *earnest puppy dog eyes*
    So I guess I'm included in the "Entire Family"????
    *crosses fingers and squishes eyes shut hoping for an affirmative*

    When you come back, I'll be wearing CONTACTS!!!!!

    So you have something to look forward to, not to mention GNO.
    "That is not my job!!!"
    "Reveal, not expose!!!"

    *Cough* I felt *clear the throat...* quotatious!
    *Sheepish grin*
    *laughs jubilantly*
    I really really really miss you.
    See you when you get GNO.

    That was another long comment...
    *awed silence*

  12. Long comments are wonderful, darlingest! *smiles and tries not to get mad at her grandparents' laptop* I am currently in Horsham, but leaving soon for Ocean City, NJ for a beach filled day! I apologize about GNO. I was tempted to call you guys and at least say 'hello', but my parents called and pretty soon we were playing cards and I figured that the entire thing was over. *whimpers because she misses her 2nd family* HoHo misses you too. Every time we'd get lonely, we just start singing from 'The Soundtrack'. (*winks* You know... The Adventure Song? *smiles knowingly*) I did some shopping and went to see Up (*smiles to herself for love of Dug the dog*) but it wasn't the same without you and your bro singing songs in the background while our parents had a little chit chat. (*winks yet again*) My birthday is days away, and I can't wait for our final BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION GNO! I want to do something on my b-day, but alas, I have no plans yet. (*sighs longingly*) My last b-day plans were ruined, so... (*makes a face recalling the worst card ever given*) Well, I have to get ready. (*gives an air hug and laughs at inside joke*) LYLAS! (*sends out virtual love*)

  13. Oh, and about my daddy being old in that previous comment... I told you that rope was the closest thing to a boy I would ever dance with. *giggles a bit but remains fairly serious*

  14. Wait...WHEN DID YOU GO TO SEE "UP"???? 'Cause I SAW IT TOOOOOOO!!!!!! I LOVE Doug the dog! And. uh. NO ONE SHOWED UP AT GNO. AGAIN.
    *growls internally while trying to remain relatively calm*

    I'm going to get my contacts in a half-hour or so...soooooooooooo...yay.

    Emma's not going to be at B-Day GNO. *Hysterical not really, but close enough*

    "Keep smiling!"
    *Grimaces and realizes face looks stupid in that position and reverts to cold stare at computer screen but wishing there was really something to smile about*

    I'm in hibernation-while-mostly-awake mode. And once again, the words "I miss you" escape my lips. Long comments are over-rated.
    *Sighs because they're really not but just needs something to get mad at*


    You'll find "Nick" eventually. And I'll find "Edmund". It'll all work out. And I want to say that if I had it my way you'd be my maid of honor at the wedding. but I don't know why but mum is all like "stick with family" so she expects Anna Marie or Gracia. But guess what...


    So. urm. be there. please?

    hahahaha that felt good.

  15. HoHo must me my Maid of Honor. *It must be done.* Family requirement, apparently. ) : Maybe I could have TWO! Like, Co-Maids of Honor. But according to my father, that's never going to happen SOOOOOOOO... lol! I will be at your wedding. *gasps* WHAT COLOR WILL MY DRESS BE!?!?!?

    Super sorry that no one showed up! Oh my gosh, I feel so terrible. I mean it. Your poor mother... I love her dearly. I promise to show up on my birthday. ( : Unless I get sick or die or somethin'. ) :


    Yah, I miss everything about our little town. I'm bored because we were supposed to go shopping but HoHo is making us rest cuz she feels a little woozy. So...

    I want so badly to do something on my b-day. *goes into awesome planning mode*. *sighs*

    I had better get goin'. I miss you terribly, and I'll probably miss you even more when you're in HERSHEY WITHOUT ME, but whatevs. ( : I will get on those coasters someday... I will...


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