Sunday, August 2, 2009

Boredom Is My New Best Friend!

Ohhhkayyy, I have to admit that I have been terribly bored for the past few days. Elwen is FINALLY back from Camp Freedom, so I guess that's a good thing. However, I have spent 3 out of 7 days sitting poolside, over-heating, over-eating and over-reading. Its a wonder that I haven't burned to a crisp (like poor El), but sunscreen works wonders when reapplied religiously. Over-heating: I winced in pain as my feet burned on the pavement. Over-eating: I've had enough M&M's and potato chips to last me a lifetime. Over-reading: I went through 6 of the 7 Harry Potter books in a week and a half. What else? OCD (Obsessive Cheerleading Disorder), OMED (Obsessive Marshmellow Eating Disorder) and a little bit of OPBD (Obsessive Peanut Butter Disorder). Interesting July, hmm? (Oh, and I'm a year older now. ( :)

So what if I'm bored? I shouldn't be bored. Considering that there are 3 new TV episodes tonight followed by The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and a picnic to attend. But alas, I am feeling rather 'droll'. (HoHo? Get my joke? NO? Uh...) Alrighty then... I think I'll go all poetic on you... That'll work... Here's a poem... Yah.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Give me your money
Or I'll kill you!!!

OK, that obviously did not cure my bored or my anger management issues... I'm afraid I have to go. I'm sure I'll think of something to post later... I'll get something up later that's loads better. I love you guys!
"A lady of Narnia must forgive and attempt to forget, even if others tend to be a little bit more stubborn."


  1. BLONDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    heheeee that was fun....

    I'm spazzing out 'cause Mr. B gave us the day off of band camp!!!! YAYYYYYYYY....(I have nooo life).

    AnnaMarie and Gracia love the Blonde Cam...Anna Marie wouldn't stop saying

    "...and here's a blonde trying to figure out a computer. Notice he's got two brunettes trying to explain it to him, but I guess it's too hard to explain to a blonde...".
    Good times...good times...

    Elizabeth (the one I've been talking about) loves your blog, dearest!!! Be happy!!!

    I have yet to blog about the Llama Ranch. Gretchen's mom renamed it Camp What-a-nut, though. So the name's been bouncing between Camp Freedom, Camp What-a-nut, and the Llama Ranch. I don't know which I like best......hmmmmmmmmmmmm...

    Love you!

  2. I like Camp What-a-Nut! Awwwwesommmme!

    I have a back to school prezzy for you... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!

    I freak out my family by going around and saying "BLOND! BLOOOOND! MAJOR BLOND!" and nobody knows what I'm saying. ( : hehehehe

    Go ahead. Spazz out. If band camp is half as hard and grueling as cheer camp, I do not blame you in the least.

    I watched 3 of the Harry Potters in a row yesterday!!! I saw the 1st 2 days ago and I need to see the 5th and 6th... They were awesome! I still can't believe I actually cried over ROBERT PATTERSON (I think he's sorta overrated) but he made an awesome Cedric Diggory. Sorry... Not making much sense... I'm going Potter-geeky on you. I apologize.

    Well, my mother is having a carnage cookie experience, so... Better run.


  3. I'm still very surprised about you reading Harry Potter. I guess you're always surprising me...I should be used to it by now. And I can't believe I'm getting a back-to-school present from you! How very sweet of you dearest...way to make me feel guilty, too, I might add......

  4. I thought that they would be really stupid and overrated, but they were awesome! I was equally surprised. ("Well surprise, surprise, surprise... Yah surprise, surprise, surprise..." Bruce Springsteen rocks my world.)

    Well, it was originally a b-day gift, but I just can't wait. ( :

  5. Haha...I thought the same. I imagine that's one of those things I'll grow up and read as a 20-year-old in order to see why my parents didn't/don't like them and if I should let my kids read them. To each her own.....


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